Leveraging PWA alongside Laravel enables your website to mimic a mobile app, maintaining all conventional website features. According to available data, PWA can enhance site performance by 63%, boasting an average load time of 2.75 seconds. Moreover, it holds the promise of increasing user engagement by 68% and driving a 65% surge in website traffic.

Utilizing a Progressive Web App (PWA), your website becomes "installable" on users' home screens. It remains accessible offline and enables push notifications. IndexedDB facilitates extensive data caching, including API requests. In this guide, I'll outline the fundamental configuration for swiftly starting with Laravel 5.4. To examine service worker data while testing in Chrome, access devtools and navigate to the application tab.

Before delving into the process, it's essential to gain insight into PWAs and explore the steps to hire Laravel developers USA.

What is PWA?

A Progressive Web App, commonly referred to as a PWA, represents a web application accessible across all devices, serving as both a mobile app and a website. It provides an ideal remedy if your e-commerce site suffers from subpar mobile user experiences and dismal conversion rates. Even in cases of slow Internet connectivity, PWAs deliver a user experience akin to native apps, relying solely on standard technologies. This translates to improved conversion rates and a streamlined browsing experience.

JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheets, and HTML serve as the primary languages employed for PWA development within the Laravel framework. PWAs closely resemble conventional websites in both appearance and functionality, ensuring their discoverability via web browsers. However, they deliver mobile application-like features, including enhanced speed, offline capabilities, push notifications, and seamless device integration.

Moreover, PWAs have the potential to be deployed on prominent app marketplaces like Apple's App Store and Google Play.

Precisely defining PWAs poses a challenge due to the absence of a universally accepted construction method. Consequently, there exists no definitive dictionary description. Google, the creator, doesn't offer much clarity in its formal introduction, leaving many questions unanswered. According to the document, PWA is defined as follows: 

  • Dependable - It loads swiftly even in unstable network conditions.
  • Rapid – Delivering seamless animations and responsive to user input with no lag in scrolling.
  • Captivating – It gives the impression of a native smartphone application, delivering an immersive user experience.

If you're not yet clear about the Progressive Web App concept, let's delve into the details.

What exactly is the purpose of the PWA?

You might already know that the realm of e-commerce is experiencing unparalleled and swift transformation. This adage has persisted for a while, but in today's landscape, it holds more truth than ever. Mobile-optimized e-commerce has been standard for years and continues to grow consistently. The numbers substantiate this trend.

  • In 2014, for the first time, the global usage of mobile devices surpassed the usage of desktop computers, as reported by (comScore).
  • Mobile commerce is anticipated to achieve $728.28 billion in retail sales by 2025, comprising 44.2% of the United States' total ecommerce retail sales (as per Business Insider).
  • According to Outerbox Design, 80% of consumers reported using their mobile devices while inside a physical store for one of three purposes: reviewing product feedback, comparing prices, or finding alternative store locations.

Considering this, it's advisable to embrace mobile commerce promptly if you haven't already. You can achieve your objectives efficiently and cost-effectively by adopting a Progressive Web App (PWA), designed for enabling a mobile-first ecommerce transformation.

What is Laravel?

Laravel stands as an open-source PHP framework available for free download, empowering the development of innovative PHP applications. Laravel has witnessed a significant surge in popularity in recent years. Programmers increasingly opt for it as their primary framework, drawn by its robust ecosystem that leverages its native features, coupled with the multitude of compatible packages and extensions at their disposal.

Laravel offers a range of advanced database functionalities, such as Eloquent, an Object Relational Mapper (ORM), and integrated tools for creating database migrations and seeders. Artisan serves as a command-line utility that assists developers in efficiently generating new application elements, such as models and controllers.

Our series, "Constructing a Links Landing Page in PHP using Laravel and Docker Compose," delivers a project-centered approach to Laravel. It encompasses tasks like initiating a fresh Laravel app within a containerized development setup, interfacing with a database, and adapting the page template view to showcase a curated selection of links.

Is Laravel Frontend or Backend?

Although Laravel incorporates specific front-end capabilities, its primary emphasis lies in the backend. However, Laravel's functionalities extend beyond any particular frontend.

How Does Laravel Work?

Gain insight into how Laravel manages requests, often referred to as the request lifecycle, to grasp the framework's capabilities. As previously mentioned, Laravel operates based on the Model-View-Controller pattern. In this architecture, when a user initiates a request, the controller retrieves data from the model and subsequently presents it within a view. The public/index.php file serves as the gateway to a Laravel application. It bears the responsibility of initializing the framework and acquiring a fresh application instance upon receiving a request. The application instance retrieves the request, either passing it to the console kernel or the HTTP kernel.

The kernel assumes the responsibility of defining the middleware that requests must traverse and a series of bootstrappers that execute essential tasks prior to request handling. Loading the application's service providers is an integral part of the pre-handling procedure.

Following a successful bootstrap and registration of service providers, the router takes charge, determining whether to assign the request to a route or forward it to a controller. It also executes any route-specific middleware as needed. Any response from a route or controller method, once a request has traversed the required middleware and undergone processing, is then transmitted up the chain to the View.

Can you create a PWA with Laravel?

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) enable you to launch your web application on both mobile and desktop devices. You're spared from writing extensive lines of native, platform-specific code.

You can swiftly generate a PWA using Laravel within minutes by employing Laravel PWA.

Step 1: Use the following command for installing the package:

composer require ladumor/laravel-pwa

Step 2: In the provider section of the app.php config file, add the Service Provider. If you've installed it on Laravel 6 or later, you can skip this step.

Step 3: To include the Facade, insert it within the aliases section of the app.php configuration file. If you've installed it on Laravel 6 or a newer version, you can omit this step.

‘LaravelPwa' => \Ladumor\LaravelPwa\LaravelPwa::class,

Step 4: I trust that the installation is finished, eliminating the necessity to execute the subsequent command for asset publication.

php artisan laravel-pwa:publish

Step 5: Please ensure you complete this crucial step. All your assets are now publicly accessible. To finalize your main blade file, you need to connect its components, such as in the app.blade.php file.

Include the following code snippet in the header of the main blade file.

<!– PWA  –>

<meta name=”theme-color” content=”#6777ef”/>

<link rel=”apple-touch-icon” href=”{{ asset(‘logo.PNG') }}”>

<link rel=”manifest” href=”{{ asset(‘/manifest.json') }}”>

Before closing the body, add the following code to the root blade file:

<script src=”{{ asset(‘/sw.js') }}”>



    if (!navigator.serviceWorker.controller) {


    then(function (reg) {

            console.log(“Service worker has been registered for scope: ” + reg.scope);




If you prefer manual setup over using this package, this article will guide you through the process.

What advantages does developing a PWA with the Laravel Framework offer?

Due to PWA's outstanding performance, quick loading times, and code reusability, you can leverage Laravel's extensive framework capabilities.

In addition, you benefit from:

  • Delightful User Experience (UX) on Various Device Types.
  • We implement your program in configurations for both online and offline deployment.
  • In the absence of an internet connection, your application can continue to transmit and receive push notifications.
  • It can handle a variety of equipment and is simple to assemble.
  • With a diminished footprint, it adeptly handles substantial CPU requirements.

The objective of this blog is to provide comprehensive, step-by-step guidance for creating a PWA using Laravel.

You may like this: How Laravel Performance Optimization Works: 13 Tips to Follow

Transforming Your Application into a PWA Using Laravel: A Comprehensive, Step-by-Step Tutorial.

Follow this rapid method to transform your Laravel application into a Progressive Web App (PWA). In just a few minutes, upon completing the final step, you'll be ready to launch your very own progressive web app.

Step 1: Deploy Server

Before you begin, initiate the Laravel development services. Ensure that neither NPM nor BrowserSync is currently active. To set up the server.

php artisan serve

When employing NPM or BrowserSync for deploying the development server, the PWA encounters issues. The problem arises because BrowserSync operates from a virtual machine. Consequently, even though the service worker registers a distinct URL, the manifest records the virtual host. As a result, the installation option doesn't appear in the browser.

Step 2: Install the Composer Package

Include the Laravel PWA bundle. Achieving this milestone is already an impressive feat.

Need Silvio Leite/LaravelPwa When Composing

Make its resources and setup file available after installation.

For example: php artisan vendor:publish -provider=”LaravelPWAProvidersLaravelPWAServiceProvider”

You can locate the 'laravelpwa.php' file in the configuration folder. Modify the app's name (both short and long forms) and color scheme as necessary to harmonize with the overall design.


return [

‘name' => ‘XYZ',

‘manifest' => [

‘name' => env(‘APP_NAME', ‘MY PWA APP'),

‘short_name' => ‘PWA',

‘start_url' => ‘/',

‘background_color' => ‘#00be9c',

‘theme_color' => ‘#1c3c50',

‘display' => ‘standalone',

‘orientation'=> ‘any',

‘icons' => [

'72×72′ => ‘/images/icons/icon-72×72.png',

‘96×96′ => ‘/images/icons/icon-96×96.png',

‘128×128' => ‘/images/icons/icon-128×128.png',

‘144×144' => ‘/images/icons/icon-144×144.png',

‘152×152' => ‘/images/icons/icon-152×152.png',

‘192×192' => ‘/images/icons/icon-192×192.png',

‘384×384' => ‘/images/icons/icon-384×384.png',

‘512x512' => ‘/images/icons/icon-512×512.png'


‘splash' => [

‘640x1136' => ‘/images/icons/splash-640×1136.png',

‘750×1334' => ‘/images/icons/splash-750×1334.png',

‘828×1792' => ‘/images/icons/splash-828×1792.png',

‘1125×2436' => ‘/images/icons/splash-1125×2436.png',

‘1242×2208' => ‘/images/icons/splash-1242×2208.png',

‘1242×2688' => ‘/images/icons/splash-1242×2688.png',

‘1536×2048' => ‘/images/icons/splash-1536×2048.png',

‘1668×2224' => ‘/images/icons/splash-1668×2224.png',

‘1668×2388' => ‘/images/icons/splash-1668×2388.png',

‘2048×2732' => ‘/images/icons/splash-2048×2732.png',


‘custom' => []



Step 3: Modify the images

Every image, including icons and splash screens, is depicted within an array in the identical configuration file (as shown above). PWAs require unique icons and splash screens to ensure their proper operation. These images are uploaded to the public directory, located at: public/images/icons.

You can adjust the size of each icon individually as.


‘path' => ‘/images/icons/icon-512×512.png',

‘sizes' => ‘512x512',

‘purpose' => ‘any'


Step 4: include the Blade directive

Achieving this involves inserting the Blade directive '@laravelPWA' within the parent view layout. This action will subsequently ensure the assets' availability in the browser. Be sure to perform this step each time prior to closing the head tag.










Step 5: Take the Offline Route

What happens when the network connection is lost? In such an event, it's essential to establish an offline route that responds with a default view. To achieve this, modify the Route files located at routes/web.php by adding.

Route::get(‘/offline', function () {

return view(‘modules/laravelpwa/offline');


Step 6: Modify the Service Employee

If concerns about relinquishing control are on your mind, importScripts allows you to incorporate custom logic to maintain control. Likewise, your chosen package can generate your service worker. In essence, service workers play a crucial role in meeting your specific needs. You have the freedom to select libraries that align with your preferred database. After downloading and installing the plugin, you can initiate a PWA project within Laravel.

Nevertheless, any application can employ the subsequent default service provider code.

var staticCacheName = “pwa-v” + new Date().getTime();

var filesToCache = [























// Cache on install

self.addEventListener(“install”, event => {




            .then(cache => {

                return cache.addAll(filesToCache);




// Clear cache on activate

self.addEventListener(‘activate', event => {


        caches.keys().then(cacheNames => {

            return Promise.all(


                    .filter(cacheName => (cacheName.startsWith(“pwa-“)))

                    .filter(cacheName => (cacheName !== staticCacheName))

                    .map(cacheName => caches.delete(cacheName))





// Serve from Cache

self.addEventListener(“fetch”, event => {



            .then(response => {

                return response || fetch(event.request);


            .catch(() => {

                return caches.match(‘offline');




Modifying the subsequent code empowers you to customize service worker functionality.

public path/serviceworker.js

Step 7: Customize for offline view

You can locate a published Blade view at the view folder/modules/laravelpwa/offline.blade.php when you utilize the 'vendor:publish' command to publish assets.

Make the required modifications to ensure proper display within the parent view layout, where the '@laravelPWA' directive is located.



<h1>Customize this content</h1>


Now, you can refresh the page and seamlessly continue utilizing Laravel within the PWA application.

Upon installation, a shortcut to the web app is automatically placed on the device's home screen. Once the app is open from the home screen, navigation becomes effortless. There's no need for the browser's back button or the next page button.

Want to read more?

Final Thought

Creating a PWA with Laravel is the simplest method. You can have a PWA up and running within minutes. Furthermore, it progressively behaves more like a native app. If you encounter uncertainty, consult the web.dev documentation for potential solutions.